Wunderschönes Málaga | Costa del Sol | Spanien

Verbringt mit uns einen wunderschönen Tag in der bezaubernden Stadt Málaga. Wir starten unseren Rundgang am Muelle Uno am Hafen und schlendern quer durch die Altstadt.

Málaga ist ist aber nicht nur ein kulturelles Highlight und beliebter Urlaubsort. Nein, sondern auch Geburtsstadt Picassos, Namensgeber für eine der ältesten Weinsorten der Welt und Ursprungsort des Málaga-Eises.

Informationen zur Stadt:

Spanisches Tourismusportal: https://www.spain.info/de/reiseziel/malaga/
Tourismo Costa del Sol: https://de.visitcostadelsol.com/reiseziele/dorfer-an-der-kuste-malagas/malaga-p9831

Informationen zum Muelle Uno: https://www.muelleuno.com/en/
Parken im Muelle Uno: https://www.muelleuno.com/en/parking/

Informationen zum Eis:

Die Heladería “Casa Mira” ist die älteste Eisdiele der Stadt und hat die Eissorte erfunden. Es gibt sie noch heute. Ihr findet sie in der Calle Marqués de Larios Nr. 5. Die Straße ist im Film bei Minute 4:15 kurz zu sehen.

Homepage: https://dimasmiraehijos.com/

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Málaga is a city and municipality of Spain, located in Andalucía, in the south of the country. An important tourist destination, Málaga is also known as “the capital of the Costa del Sol,” with an estimated 6 million tourists visiting the city every year.

It is the sixth most populous city in Spain, the second in Andalucía and the forty-sixth in the European Union. It is also the largest and most populous coastal city in southern Spain.

Due to the fact that the city presents a wide overlap of traces of the passage of civilizations throughtout the centuries, both from the East and from the West in such a small urban space, Málaga has been declared a Historic Site. Remains from the eras of Phoenicians, Punics, Arabs, Romans, and etc., turn the city center into an authentic historical “palimpsest” in a way monuments such as the Roman Theater, the Cathedral, the Alcazaba, the Customs House, the Jewish Quaters and the rich underground archeological heritage coexist.

The Calle Larios offers a mixture of well-known chain stores and boutiques for shopping, and cafetería’s and ice cream parlors as well. Through its streets you can find more shops and restaurants and bars.

Málaga cuisine is a collection of all the gastronomy of the province and is part of the Mediterranean diet. The grilled sardines or “espetos,” the anchovies or “boquerones”, both pickled and fried, and the fried fish or “pescaíto frito” made with anchovies, mackerel, mullet, octopus or squid, are the mosst typical dishes but also include noodle casserole or “cazuela de fideos,” the gazpacho, the gazpachuelo, the migas, the Málaga salad, the ajoblanco, and the porra antequerana, among others. Málaga is also known for its sweet wines that have been produces since ancient times. Rum and brandy from Málaga are also traditional.

Date of recording
09 April 2024
02:32pm Tuesday

See · Feel · Enjoy Andalucía

00:00 In this video
01:00 Plaza del Obispo
02:40 C Molina Lario
04:35 Plaza del Siglo
05:24 Plaza Carbón
06:45 C Granada
08:20 Plaza de la Constitución
09:10 C Marqués de Larios
13:20 Alameda Principal
16:00 Antigua Casa de Guardia (Taberna)
17:10 C Pastora
17:40 C Atarazanas
18:45 Mercado Central de Atarazanas
20:53 C Guillén de Castro
21:23 C Moreno Carbonero
22:50 Plaza Enrique García-Herrera
24:05 C Calderón de la Barca
24:37 Iglesia de San Juan
24:50 C San Juan
25:35 C Santos
26:16 C Compañía
26:34 Iglesia del Sagrado Corazón
26:51 C Compañía
27:34 Museo Carmen Thyssen
27:43 C Compañía
28:27 Plaza de la Constitución
29:27 C Granada
31:23 C Calderería
32.30 Plaza de Uncibay
33:50 C Méndez Núñez
34:24 C Granada
36:13 C San Agustín
36:43 Museo Picasso
37:09 C San Agustín
38:30 C Granada
38:45 Bodega Bar El Pimpi
40:30 C Zegrí
41:10 C Alcazabilla
42:49 C Victoria
44:13 Plaza de la Merced
46:40 C Granada
47:34 Parroquia Santiago Apóstol
47:56 C Granada
48:19 Plaza de la Judería
48:54 C Zegrí
49:40 Teatro Romano de Málaga | Alcazabilla
50:20 C Alcazabilla
51:30 Plaza de la Aduana
52:10 C Císter
53:30 Catedral de la Encarnación de Málaga
55:05 C Císter
56:00 C Cañón
57:38 Outro


Check out my playlists 😃✅
MÁLAGA CITY: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLI3oSPGxa-48cqZO5MgGDzvE8bmxIx1BG
TORREMOLINOS: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLI3oSPGxa-4_-PDn6K0C8hdqT7MZNzhAu
BENALMÁDENA: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLI3oSPGxa-48nXkHZe_d49QNa_XEXqcW4
FUENGIROLA: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLI3oSPGxa-480FxAlNpGGZEGT_wXHn_4d
MARBELLA CITY: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLI3oSPGxa-4_PDFlpZ23PClXQs-e-FM3T
PUERTO BANÚS: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLI3oSPGxa-48AHswkpGh9o0Euwq1cZ5h2
NERJA: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLI3oSPGxa-4-k-rIbB5qYPFVv6ylJEcIt

All videos produced and edited by Kriel Jan 😃✅

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© 2024 Kriel Jan. All rights reserved.
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Hot and sizzling atmosphere in Málaga, Andalucía, Spain! Have fun and enjoy holidays in Costa del Sol! Amazing beaches and fantastic views! Full of history, arts and culture! Your next perfect holiday destination!

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